
All about Marcel "Hans" Rodriguez

Name: Marcel Rodriguez
Known as: Marcel, Marcel from Vistavideo, Marcel Hans Rodriguez, Marcell, Marcell Duran, Marcel Duran Rodriguez, M ROD
Occupation: underwear, fitness, nude model
Birth date: September 7, 1982
Origin: born in 1982 as "Marcel Rodriguez" in Cuba. As children, his family emigrated to USA.
Location: Miami, Florida
Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 191 lbs  (86 kg)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Siblings: Older brother Yinay Rodriguez
Honors: Paragon MAN OF THE YEAR 2011
Notable work: Vistavideo, Teen Muscle Videos, AbsoluteMuscle, Men's Exercise, ParagonMen, John Falocco, Hans Fahrmeyer, Dimi Dimitriades, Score Underwear


  1. I have admired Marcel for years since he was in Teen Muscle Video. Marcel is considering the most beautiful man in the fitness industry. Marcel, keep up the good work friend!

  2. Certainly agree with the previous comment made by another!


    A Faithful Fan,
    Dr. P. M. Kloepfer

  3. it's great that as he ages, Marcel's body is still smoking hot. Too bad it's under the growing distraction of the tattoos.
    Marcel, please stop camoflaging your awesome, perfectly proportioned body with ink!

  4. Is there any way to get in contact with Marcel? Email address?
    Is he still "around"?

  5. Marcel Rodriguez is in the Miami-Dade County jail. He was arrested on April 10, 2015 for strongarm robbery. He has been in and out of jail since 2010. Google Marcel Rodriguez arrest record.

  6. The story of Marcel's life is very sad. He was blessed with an amazing body and could have been a successful sports and fashion model. Instead, he turned to a life of crime. Here is his latest mug shot.

    1. yes sure to bad at one time he sure to have a great guy and build like brick shithouse

  7. He could have the modeling industry, which pays its superstars well, at his feet. Marcel is an exceptional athlete. Yet, his criminal record dates back to 2007, and the charges are very serious (false imprisonment, battery, strong arm robbery, obstruction of justice). Does anyone know why? He's lost weight and muscle mass, grown a beard, and added more tattoos which are graffiti on a body like his. What influences led him down this dark road?

    1. I am speechless and astounded. I am the former girlfriend of Marcel to whom the above charges were filed by the state against him to protect me after the incident that occurred. We were together for 6 years. In that time, I discovered his developing drug habit that was growing rapidly. The severe mood swings and stealing began to take its course. At my own detriment, i stayed because i loved him and wanted to help him. I quickly realized that the situation created a real danger for myself and separated from him. This created a manic drug induced state that Marcel then came searching for me and the outcome is stated above. After his time in prison for those crimes, he reached out to me promising that the time had changed him and wishing for a better life. In my heart, i knew that this was a strong want but likely not a lasting reality. It breaks my heart to see that he was never provided the assistance that he truly needed in getting help. The modeling industry can provide easy money with lack of a lot of tried and true work. In this instance, it's helped fuel his drug problem.

      Marcel, If you ever read this message, please, from the bottom of my heart, get help. You are capable of change, however dark and hopeless it may seem. This is not the way. Find the courage in yourself to find the beauty in this world.

    2. What drugs were he into? I'll keep him in my prayers!

    3. Thank you very much for opening up to us, Tatiana. And my sincere empathy for what you experienced (similar to my sister's story). Sounds steroidal. I had admired Marcel for so long, and am so bummed to now know what has become of him. I hope you are correct that he can still overcome and rebuild his life and career. He has so many fans, but has made so many poor decisions for whatever reasons that we cannot understand.
      Different demons can take over the lives of so many people. I sincerely hope he can overcome...

    4. Known him since highschool hes GAY !

  8. Yes, Marcel has made poor choices. I wish there was a way to email him or mail him a letter in jail.
    Thoughts, anyone?

  9. I just checked Miami Dade Department of corrections and received this: Sorry there were no criminal records matching your request.

    He's either been released or has been transferred to another facility.

  10. I just checked Miami Dade Department of corrections and received this: Sorry there were no criminal records matching your request.

    He's either been released or has been transferred to another facility.

  11. immersed deeply in the drugs world

  12. I have a framed photo of Marcel from the 2002 photo shoot he did for XY magazine. He is so beautiful

  13. What has happened to Marcel? After 2013, he seems to have disappeared from the fitness model industry. Has anyone updates on where he is and what he's doing in 2017?

    1. According to criminal records, he's been in and out of jail and is currently homeless in Miami. Very sad.

  14. Esperemos que vuelva pronto, un hombre tan guapo no puede desaparecer porque si!

  15. Is there any latest info on Marcel now? Ia hendak still homeless out there? We care for him.

  16. Such a sad case. There IS help out there, Marcel. You just have to want it and ask for it. People are forgiving; get your life back on track and revive your modeling career. Get healthy, stay healthy and work at it. Look to family and friends for support. If you want it, it's there.

  17. While Marcel is currently answering for his past deeds, he does have a home, he has people that care for him, and they will stay by his side. I will convey well wishes to Marcel in the next few days, I'm sure it will lift his spirits

  18. Marcel is so hot,sweet,sexy,young and handsome man...he looks like a Handsome Disney Prince...

  19. Marcel is so hot,sweet,sexy,young and handsome man...he looks like the Handsome Disney Prince Eric,the groom of Ariel,the Little Mermaid...

  20. Marcel Hans era un modelo con un físico realmente increíble. Realmente su cuerpo era como una escultura masculina griega que demostraba una salud perfecta. A muchos nos daba envidia de la sana admirarlo porque queríamos ser como él. Pero esto nos lleva a la reflexión que el cuerpo, la fama, la fortuna, el dinero mal habido y menos aun, el mundo de las drogas y las malas decisiones lo son todo. Las cosas son efímeras. No condeno a este hombre ni mucho menos. Seguramente tomò malas decisiones en su vida o se dejò influenciar por malas personas que le indicaron un camino equivocado que aparentemente para él llegó a ser deslumbrante. Si Marcel Hans llegò a brillar y, de repente, su luz se apagó, esperemos de todo corazón, y Dios asì lo permita, que poco a poco renazca de nuevo y siga adelante con su vida. Sinceramente deseo que él se encuentre bien y siga brillando con luz propia. Màs que tener un físico envidiable, lo que le deseo a Hans es que su vida sea testimonio de vida para muchos. De la oscuridad, se puede salir a la luz y estoy convencido de que él ya no es el mismo hombre. Vuelvo y repito, no condeno a Hans, sino que lo invito sinceramente a que renazca de nuevo, aunque seguramente, él ya es un hombre diferente, porque en su mirada se refleja bondad. No conozco mucho de su problemática, solamente lo que he leìdo por Internet. Esperemos tener noticias suyas, y ojalà, muy buenas noticias. ¡Mucho ánimo Hans donde quiera que estès y que Dios te ayude!

  21. Replies
    1. I’m Marcel’s brother I finally was able to talk to him after 10 years

  22. His videos gave me my first orgasm, what a sad and tragic case

  23. Any latest news about him?

  24. used to JerkO to him delisious so sad ill never fuck him

  25. Man… I have an interesting story about Marcel. I’m actually a former vista video model and worked for Ron (the creator of vista video I think?) this was back then In like 2013. I was about 22 years old and did some shoots and videos, and Ron would always tell me about marcels cocaine problem, he would steal from Ron, and Ron would tell me how worried, mad, and frustrated he was because marcels life was going out of control right in front of his eyes.. I even remember I did a workout scene with Marcel (nothing dirty, just lifted weights with him lol) but earlier that day, Marcel was coked out of his mind, sweating and I would see him paranoid as hell. I talked to him when he got sober and he started sharing some stories about his life and would tell me he had issues with his ex or something like that but he was extremely upset about it, which was probably going hand in hand with the drug use. I have no idea why I’m thinking about this 10 years later, and don’t know where they are in life (not sure if Ron is still around, he was pretty old back then) but I really hope marcel got the help he needed..

    1. That’s very interesting. Marcel was my idol 10 years ago for his physique, I wanted a physique just like him. But, I remember now sometimes his videos would seem abit off in some way.
      For example I remember one where he was sniffing a lot and I assumed a cold, thought nothing of it. Obviously this is with the benefit of hindsight. Unfortunately I think he’s got worse and has delved into crystal meth, I saw a mug shot where he had the marks from it on the face, and in a recent mug shot from last year he looks like he’s aged 10-15 years with grey hair and unkempt appearance. Devastatingly sad.

  26. What a sad story, he was very handsome, hope he get helped 🙏🏼

  27. Very very sad what’s happened. I think one of the problems was that things came easy for Marcel very young.

    He’s genetically gifted and was able to start making good money fast without much work (many will train as hard and have the diet whilst working full time and not look near as good). A young guy with lots of free time and money to burn is a dangerous combination without proper guidance.

    It seems things such as drug use and erratic behaviour have spiralled with time creating a viscous cycle.

    This is not a new thing or a temporary state, though. It’s now a decade since Marcel’s last modelling work, and over that time there must have been a good 7 or 8 arrests. I think sooner or later Marcel will end up inside for a long time☹️

  28. Marcel is a man like us all , and we have our flaws and strengths, Marcel is a truly caring and good hearted friend, yes he has his problems and flaws, but what everyone has ignored is that he 100 % suffers with Bipolar depression disorder and yes addictions, but he DOES struggle to rise above these and be a better person. I have seen this everyday in him for the past 6 years, yes he falls, but he gets up every single time and still tries while he is vilified.. Marcels persistence in trying to overcome his hurdles are for me a testament to his true character. He fights his demons everyday and I am very proud to call him my friend flaws and all, as he forgives mine.

  29. Hey, how is Marcel now? Please share his latest photographs if possible.

  30. I’m Marcels youngest brother. After 10 years he contacted me asking for money. I feel bad for Marcel and miss him. To me he’ll always be the guys who brought me hot wheels back from his trips. Who taught me how to hit a baseball and shave. I love you bro I wish there was something I could do to make it go away
